
Ghostty Terminal

Ghostty Terminal

create file in .config/ghostty/config

# The syntax is "key = value". The whitespace around the
# equals doesn't matter.
background = 282c34
foreground = ffffff

# Comments start with a `#` and are only valid on their own line.
# Blank lines are ignored!

keybind = ctrl+z=close_surface
keybind = ctrl+d=new_split:right

# Empty values reset the configuration to the default value
font-family = "JetBrains Mono"
font-size = 20

theme = "catppuccin-frappe"

background-opacity = 0.95
background-blur = true

window-width = 180
window-height = 50

window-subtitle = false
window-save-state = always

macos-titlebar-style = hidden
window-padding-x = 1
window-padding-y = 1

auto-update = download
auto-update-channel = stable

© Copyright 2015 Fajar SP
Code snippets are MIT licensed

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday!